Monday, March 2, 2009

Simpullee Maahhhveluuss

More than outraaaaageous!!!

Hi Bloggers! Happy Snow day!

I had an amazing weekend filled with Senegalese twists and not enough studying! So, I feel like God has granted me this day to get my life together, I just hope I take advantage of it. Until!

Since I've last written, my professors have decided that they wanted me to die a slow death this week. But it's ok, I've survived through worse and I will be glaaaad when 3:00 Friday comes! My friend is coming this weekend! I'm so excited! It's gonna be like a breath of fresh air to hang out with someone from the past. It's so interesting to see how people have grown (or not) over the years. I just hope we have enough to do in the District. Neither of us club or party, so that knocks out like 75 options. But we will have fun, no matter what!

Speaking of growth, I witnessed the end of a friendship this weekend and it was so sad. :( But, it really is a part of life. You win some, you lose more. When I think about alllll those friends I've had since freshman year...better yet, high school...verus how many I have now, it's almost shocking! It just goes to show you, you really don't know some people. Especially in college. You've missed out on about 18 years of their life experiences that shaped them into the person they are today. And shiii, even if you did know them before, lots of people definitely come to college and wild the f*ck out! In the end, the ones that matter are the ones who struggled WITH you, didn't judge you, and are still there for you NO MATTER WHAT!

*In an anchorwoman voice* In other shocking news this weekend, I found out my ex-DOD is preggers! Well...his gf is. And I don't know if I'm more shocked at the idea of him being a father or that he actually got her pregnant. Either way, I'm excited for them! As I grow, bringing a child in the world becomes more an more realistic for me. I used to think "Oh Gaaawwwd I hope I never get pregnant! Blah blah!* But damnit I'm 22 years old, at some point in time, I realized I am too damn old to lay up with some guy and not be woman enough to grow up and take care of my responsibilities. I don't knock you if you've had the A word or anything like that, because that's your life and your body and that's YOU that has to deal with the consequences, but yeah eventually, you really do have to grow up.

Anywhoo...this morning, about 45 things annoyed me and I decided to write a list of some of them.

-Throwing the middle finger up in pictures
-Saying stuff online or whereever about folks that you probably wouldn't say to their face
-Being broke and unambitious
-Being content with abuse (had to do a Chrianna shoutout)
-Lying, lying, LYING
-And then denying, denying DENYING!
-Drunk disclaimers - (OMG I'm soo drunk but... or I was soo wasted in this pic!; I've been guilty of it too)
-Blond hair on black ass people (not saying black ass to mean "dark")
-50 Cent and his publicity feuds (Refuckindiculous)
-Supporting something you don't know anything about

That is only the tip of iceberg that has formed outside my window.

Have you noticed that all my blog titles are music-related? If not, FYL!

Hey, I tweet now! Follow me!

Ok ok ok I'm done for now. I have to make good use of this snow day. Tootles!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's Been Too Long And...

I'M LOST WITHOUT YOOU!, how I've missed thee...even though it's more than likely that I'll post a few, run out of ideas, wait a couple years, and post another.

But anywho...due to the lack of a job, and senioritis, I find that I have a lot more time on my hands. And...I kinda like it. I just need a bi-weekly paycheck and I'll be set for life. But since my working hiatus, I've stumbled across countless hilariously interesting things on the web...And now...I'm addicted to it all! So, of course, I hopped back on the blogging bandwagon...It was only a matter of time...

Btw...why am I just finding out about this Drake kid? Whodafuck is he? I mean...I get the whole Degrassi thing...but is that why he "runs the game" and "It's ok ok ok" now I can run and tell my friends that he's on? Ok...

I still don't have SB plans...I still don't have SB $$$ though...

Oscar's on tonight, I'm only watching for the Beyonce performance and the Taraji win *crosses fingers* Now, granted, I still haven't seen the Benjamin Button movie, but I've heard enough to know that she deserves that Oscar!!!

I wonder who's reading this....

You know what's sad? I got about 150 dollars in Itunes credits this past Christmas...I've only spent 50 of that. Music is sooo bleh nowadays..Thank yoooou Soulja Boy, and all others.

Which leads me to this...A list of the most ridiculously stupid songs of the moment. I'll only do 5 for right now...

"Right Round" - Flo-Rida
"Beep, Beep" - Bobby Valentino
"Jumping (Out the Window)" - Ron Browz
"Lost" - Gorilla Zoe
"Turn My Swag On" - Soulja Boy

P.S. "Ain't I" - Yung L.A. *Still love Dro and T.I. though*

Ahh call me a hater if you want...but listen to those lyrics first before you do.

Yeeah I think that's it for now...Toodles Bloggers!