Saturday, November 10, 2007


It's Saturday!...and dismal....

Bleh..I was feeling really crappy today, I had a TERRIBLE dream about the person who was laying right next to me (on the floor, don't get any ideas). So of course I woke up all...ickified.

Most of ya'll know who I'm currently "seeing" everyday..some would say that's my boyfriend, some would say my husband, but he is neither of the sort.

Quick side note...yay for Chamillionaire and Paul Wall (the People's Champ) for FINALLY squashing their lil "feud" I am so happy...because Paul Wall's style SUCKS without Cham.

Btw...R.I.P. to Dr. West. Kanye West's mother passed recently during a cosmetic surgery procedure I heard. (Correct and/or update me if I'm wrong) Losing a parent is devastating...especially if they're instrumental in how you became to be. (Hope you got that) But yeah..many prayers for him. I hope he's handling it ok.

Anywho...enough about pop culture...for now.

Oh yeah...back to the focus of my blog, it's definitely Monday now and I started writing this on Saturday. Saturday was poised to become one of the crappiest days in the history of Je'Kendria but it actually turned out to be one of the greatest. Me and that sig other patched up everything and open some more doors in our relationship. It's such a beautiful thing to me, this relationship that I have with this person. It may not be what people want it to be but we're both very content where we are. We're both growing tremendously day by day and I'm just excited to see where the future takes us.

Ah's an amazing thing.

Yet some people have yet to experience it. A terrible thing I know. I swear I know about 3 people who are older than me...that act as if their still 17...all males too. Not to you know...sound like the typical angry black woman. But it's sad to say there's a growing trend in immature ass dudes over the age of 21...well the age bracket of 18-24.

Ick lemme stop bashing....I really need to spruce this page up..but now...I'm just happy that all the damn colors match at this point.

Read read read....I'm currently into...well just starting and eventually getting into this book by Michael Eric Dyson..very intellectual yet "street" man. Ya'll should check up on him!

Oh yeaaaah after my little mini shopping spree this weekend with Copelands, I've decided know "when I grow up" I'm gonna start my own fragrance line. It's exciting to me..because..after I got back from the mall, I had EPIPHANY (no T-Pain comments). I was telling the s.o. (significant other for the slow ones.) about how I never can find one single smell that I like, how I always combine different mists and sprays to make one banging ass smell. Then I was like hmm...I should make my own line...DUH! I really always wanted lil business ventures "when I grew up" and this is one of be on the lookout!

Weeeellllll I think that's all for today...I'm goin to nothing in particular until 9:00 when the Girlfriends/The Game(Which I absolutely LOVE) block comes on and I'll be glued to my Changchong(TV).

Ciao! :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Because I Love It




So um yay I finally decided to get off my ass (or on my ass) and start this blog. Theres much to be told and I know some of you who like to live vicariously through my life have been anxiously waiting for this. ;)

Thought of the day - Don't waste your feelings on someone you don't care about.

I mean, duh! For obvious doesn't make sense wasting time and/or effort on someone that isn't even important to you. But..we all do it at some point. Totally dude.

So....if you forgive someone (btw I have changed the subject) for something they did...and it was pretty terrible, so terrible that you won't ever forget it, then does that mean that you really forgave that person? Hmm...and it's not like you're dwelling on it or anything, just your whole perception of that person has changed..I wonder..

Yes yes, I'm talking about her...for those who wanted to know.

Anywho, since the world for some reason has been wanting to come to my house (Lord knows why), I've decided to host a small shindig. Plans are in order, nothings official, just know it's one of those...invitation only type things because I, for one, do not want all of Howard University in my lil ass house. :)

That just smells like T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Damn internet keeps goin in and out. I swear I wouldn't pay for this Comcast if it didn't have that wonderful ass DVR.

So what's on for the weekend? I'll be damned if this rainy cold confines me to this mini room of mine. ESPECIALLY since we have Monday off. Naturally there's about 23 NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY LADIES FREE ALL NIGHT flyers running around, but eh, besides the extreme Jay-Z fanatics, who really wants to club? And why use Veteran's day as an excuse to party anyway? I just read something (and I'm sure you did too) about how 1 in 4 homeless person is a veteran...

Ick lemme stop...Societal problems tend to ignite me...which would lead me to write the damn longest blog on the world. We just don't have time for that.

And with that being is Friday I'm gonna peace out...

More tomorrow! :)